Friday, December 18, 2009

Half and Relay, HERE WE COME!

So, as you all know, we all got picked to run the Half Marathon. And as you may or may not know, I'm working on getting us registered for the Relay. Don't you worry, it's under control (I wasn't so sure there for a couple of days). I don't know if this blog is helpful to anyone else, but it's helpful to me so I'm going to keep right on blogging. Readers/contributors or no. This time around I've had difficulty in getting myself outside to run. Last winter I ran outside no matter what. This winter I can't seem to bring myself to get out and do the miles. I'm hoping that I'll establish a habit while I'm off of work for Christmas break and keep going even after work starts up again. I'm going 2.5 today. 3 tomorrow. Determination and the right mindset, and I can do it!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

And... We're Back!

So, it's the time of year again to start training for the Moab Half Marathon! Pretty much we're doing the same training schedule as last time if that's ok with everyone! We'll start training on Monday November 16. The schedule looks like this:

Short Run: 1.5 miles
Medium Run: 2 miles
Short Run: 1.5 miles
Long Run: 2.5 miles

If you've already been running, just maintain your distances until the schedule catches up with you!

PS-Registration for the half marathon opens on November 25 and closes on December 10. We need to register for the relay before December 15 in order to get the early registration price.

Let the running begin!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Utah Summer Games...

The Utah Summer Games has a 5k and a 10k... I thought it would be fun to go down to Cedar City and run it.  Anybody want to do it with me?  Click HERE for more info.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


For this week, let's do:

Short: 5
Medium: 7
Short: 5
Long: 10

Sound good to everyone?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Welcome to the longest, hardest week

This is our last week of long runs before we start tapering! Congratulations!  Here is the schedule for Feb. 23-Mar 1:

Short: 5.5
Medium: 8
Short: 5.5
Long: 12

Maybe we should up the mileage on our taper weeks by a little bit.  Katie has me all worried that we're going to die during the half marathon if we cut our miles by that much...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I Changed the Schedule...

It's not a big change... Just a little one.  Here's the schedule for the week of February 16-23:

Short Run: 5 miles
Medium Run: 8 miles
Short Run: 5 miles (I changed this from 4.5)
Long Run: 11

Also, there is a full marathon on June 13, 2009 here in Provo... If we continue training after our half marathon, we'll be able to get to 22 miles before we have to start tapering.  I have a tentative schedule written up so let me know if you're interested! Click HERE for the website!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

We Are Fiends...

9 miles? Really? I went running this morning.  It was so hard! But SO GOOD!  I can't do the candy (I've tried jolly ranchers and swedish fish) thing... I think I'll have to just try the Gatorade or some Gu or something.  Or maybe I'll try jelly beans.  Anyway, it was a good run!  Hope you guys all have a good run today too!