Friday, December 18, 2009

Half and Relay, HERE WE COME!

So, as you all know, we all got picked to run the Half Marathon. And as you may or may not know, I'm working on getting us registered for the Relay. Don't you worry, it's under control (I wasn't so sure there for a couple of days). I don't know if this blog is helpful to anyone else, but it's helpful to me so I'm going to keep right on blogging. Readers/contributors or no. This time around I've had difficulty in getting myself outside to run. Last winter I ran outside no matter what. This winter I can't seem to bring myself to get out and do the miles. I'm hoping that I'll establish a habit while I'm off of work for Christmas break and keep going even after work starts up again. I'm going 2.5 today. 3 tomorrow. Determination and the right mindset, and I can do it!